Julie Hild, Director of Campus Involvement & Diversity Programming
B.A., Heidelberg University;
M.Ed., Kent State University

Web address: https://www.hiram.edu/life-at-hiram/campus-involvement/

The Office of Campus Involvement (OCI) seeks to engage, inspire, and empower the students and student leaders of Hiram College. OCI strives to provide opportunities for students to get involved and find their place in the Hiram community. OCI supports many aspects of campus life including student organizations, leadership development, and major event programming.

Hiram College has approximately 25 registered student clubs and organizations, including academic societies, cultural groups, sports clubs, and special interest groups. These clubs and organizations provide students with endless opportunities to experience new activities, ideas and beliefs; to develop public speaking and leadership skills; and to meet and interact with other students, faculty, staff and community members who share similar interests. Serving as a resource, OCI assists students and student organizations in various areas related to program planning and organization development. The Director of Campus Involvement & Diversity Programming also advises the Terrier Activities Board (TAB), a student-run organization that plans many events throughout the year.

Our mission at Hiram College is to enable students of all ages to develop as intellectually alive, socially responsible, ethical citizens ready for leadership and for continuous personal and professional growth. The Office of Campus Involvement provides a variety of opportunities for students to enhance their leadership skills and empowers them to assume roles in all forms of leadership on campus and beyond. Programs such as the yearly Student Life & Leadership Awards ceremony recognize the importance of student leaders on campus.

OCI supports major events and traditions on campus including the Week of Welcome, Homecoming, Winter Welcome, SpringFest, and Senior Week. During Week of Welcome and Winter Welcome, OCI hosts an Involvement Fair. The Involvement Fair is an opportunity for students who are interested in getting involved to connect with student organizations. Week of Welcome takes place when fall classes begin and aims to engage students during their first week on campus for the fall semester. Homecoming is a weekend full of activities culminating in the homecoming dance. Lastly, the spring semester culminates with a cluster of activities known as SpringFest.