Minor Requirements

Students who wish to complete this minor must take one semester of the Garfield Center for Public Leadership course, as well as three courses which are related to public leadership and which are approved by the administrator of the minor, and they must also complete a civically focused internship. 

Course related to Public Leadership4
Course related to Public Leadership4
Course related to Public Leadership4
Total Hours17-20

POLS 15000 GARFIELD CTR PUB LEADERSHIP: The activities engaged in via this course will prepare GCPL students to think deeply about and act effectively in the experiential learning opportunities provided by the GCPL.

POLS 49800 INTERNSHIP: All students in the minor must complete an internship relevant to the minor and individual career interests. Internship opportunities are available through the Bliss Institute and the Washington Semester. A variety of other internship opportunities may also be pursued in nongovernmental organizations, nonprofits, and other international institutions here or abroad. The minor offers the opportunity for students to focus in one of two career areas.