Program Website: Gender Studies – Hiram College


Gender studies is a multidisciplinary minor that examines the role of gender in society. It considers both the biological and cultural origins of sex and gender differences and how those differences have structured a multitude of social and political institutions. The program also considers how issues of race, ethnicity, class, religion, and sexual orientation interact with gender. Incorporating the fields of anthropology, art, biology, communication, economics, English, history, modern languages, philosophy, political science, psychology, religious studies, and sociology, the gender studies minor provides students with practical and theoretical tools for understanding gender relationships.


Kirsten L Parkinson, (2001) Professor of English; Director of Lindsay-Crane Center for Writing and Literature; Co-Coordinator of Gender Studies Minor; Co-Coordinator of Film Studies Minor
A.B., Harvard University;
M.A., Ph.D., University of Southern California;
Graduate Certificate in Gender Studies, University of Southern California

Janet M Pope, (1998) Interim Associate Dean of the College; Professor of History; Classical & Medieval Studies Advisory Committee; Co-Coordinator of Gender Studies Minor
B.A., Rider College;
M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Vivien Sandlund, (1995) Professor of History; Pre-Law Advisor; Co-Coordinator of Gender Studies Minor
B.A., M.A., M.Ed., University of Massachusetts;
Ph.D., Emory University

Academic Offerings