Hiram College believes that the development of intellectual honesty is at the heart of a college education. The process of education is severely compromised if we cannot depend on the academic integrity of each member of the community.

Moreover, the principles of academic honesty are aligned closely with the principles of good scholarship and research, principles of critical thinking and reasoning, and the standards of professional ethics.

Thus, students who fail to practice academic honesty not only risk losing the trust of the academic community, they also fail to develop the most essential skills and abilities that characterize a college graduate.

Any student who violates the integrity of the academic process will be subject to punishment, including possible dismissal from the College.

There are many forms of academic dishonesty, including:

  • giving or receiving help in any form on an examination,
  • copying the academic work of another student,
  • lack of citation of an author's work,
  • the sale or purchase of papers and test materials,
  • the abuse of computer privileges and regulations,
  • the misuse or abuse of online or library resources,
  • and any other action which debases the soundness of the educational process.

Students should refer to the plagiarism section of the catalog to fully understand academic honesty and to comprehend the consequences of plagiarism.

Faculty members and librarians are expected to report all instances of academic dishonesty to the associate dean of the college, who will provide advice on an appropriate action.