(This is an updated policy in effect for all students beginning fall 2024 term.)
The Hiram College Academic Review Board (ARB) develops policies, procedures, and standards regarding academic probation, suspension, and readmission. These policies are presented to the Academic Program Committee (APC) for discussion; APC then votes to bring them to the full faculty for discussion and approval or returns them to ARB for revision. The ARB consists of eight voting faculty members and non-voting staff such as representatives of the academic dean and dean of students.
Graduate Academic Standing
Any student with both a cumulative and term grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00 is considered to be in good academic standing. Any student whose cumulative grade-point average (GPA) is below 3.00 does not meet the academic standards of the college and is subject to academic probation or suspension.
Each student’s academic standing is determined at the end of each semester, after grades have been processed by the registrar. At this time, the cumulative GPA is calculated. For the purposes of this Board, a semester includes all parts of the term, including the 12-week, 3-week, and both 8-weeks, as appropriate.
The following guidelines are used by the board to determine academic standing:
- 0-2.99 cumulative GPA: Probation or may be suspended. If a student receives probation, the Conditions of Academic Probation described below must be followed.
- 3.00 cumulative GPA (or above) and EITHER a semester GPA below 3.00 OR fewer than 66% of attempted credit hours successfully completed: Academic warning.
- After two consecutive semesters with EITHER a semester GPA below 3.00 OR fewer than 66% of attempted credit hours successfully completed, a student will be placed on probation (even if the cumulative GPA is above 3.00).
- After three consecutive semesters on probation, if the cumulative GPA is still below 3.00, a student will be suspended (even if that semester's GPA is above 3.00).
Successful completion of attempted credit hours means that the student has earned a grade of C or greater (in graded courses) or P (in P/NC courses) in courses in which the student is enrolled after the add/drop period. Grades of C-, D+, D, D-, F, NA, SA, NC, I, and W do not count as successfully completed. Courses which the student drops during the add/drop period do not count as attempted. Completion percentage is calculated by dividing earned hours by attempted hours.

Conditions of Academic Probation
A student on academic probation must satisfy all of the following conditions of probation for each semester that the student remains on probation:
- If the student enrolls in any courses in a semester (fall, spring, or summer), they must achieve a GPA for all courses taken in the semester of at least 3.00 and must successfully complete at least 66% of attempted credit hours in that semester.
- None of the courses chosen for the semester may be courses taken independently (for example, tutorials or 58100 courses), nor may they be courses already taken for which the grade received was C or better. Students may petition an associate dean for exceptions to this policy. Approved exceptions will be reported to the chair of ARB.
- During the first week of each fall or spring semester that a student is on probation, they are required to make an appointment with their academic advisor to review the conditions of probation and to create a written plan to maximize their chances for academic success. Failure to follow this procedure could cause the Academic Review Board to view future petitions with disfavor.
A student who fails to satisfy the conditions of academic probation is subject to suspension from the College at the end of the semester.
A student who has been suspended once by the Academic Review Board is not eligible for readmission for two semesters (counting the summer term). In order to be readmitted, the student must provide the Board with convincing evidence that the conditions that led to the suspension have been effectively dealt with and that they will now be able to meet the academic standards of the College. A student who has been suspended twice by the Academic Review Board is not eligible for readmission for five years.
Requesting Exemption from Suspension for All Students
A request for exemption may be made to the Academic Review Board (ARB@hiram.edu). Students making such a request may also approach a faculty or staff member to request that they write a letter on the student’s behalf. All petitions and supporting documents must reach the chair of ARB by a deadline that will be communicated to all students when grades roll. The date will be chosen to give students a minimum of 48 hours to prepare and submit their materials.
ARB requests the following information be in the request for exemption of suspension letter:
- For each of the classes in which the student performed poorly, the student must explain the reason for their grade. ARB is looking for specific student actions that led to this result, whenever possible.
- The student is to identify the courses they plan to take next semester and provide a plan of action for performing well in the courses.
Students who request an exemption will be notified of the Board’s decision.
Appeal of an ARB Decision
Any student who wishes to appeal an ARB decision must submit a written statement to the vice president for academic affairs and dean of the College within four (4) business days after the decision has been communicated. Appeals may be made on only two grounds:
- The ARB failed to follow its policies and procedures correctly.
- There is new information that was not available to ARB at the time of the decision.
The dean will review the case and will make a final decision of whether to overturn the Board's decision.