
Credits are expressed in semester hours. Generally, courses carry three semester hours and meet in a blended format (four face-to-face sessions with additional coursework online), in an online synchronous format (four online synchronous class sessions with additional asynchronous coursework online), or in a fully online asynchronous format (all work done asynchronously, with required deadlines). Registration for 15 to 18 credit hours per academic year (fall, spring, and summer terms) is considered full time; to obtain part-time status students must be registered for at least three credit hours of coursework per term.


A student’s academic performance in individual courses taken at Hiram College will be graded with a letter grade or by the designations Pass (P) or No Credit (NC). If a student drops a class by the end of the first week, no notation will appear on the transcript. If the student drops a class after the first week and prior to the end of the term, a ‘W’ will appear on the transcript.

The academic standards are expressed in terms of grades that are worth points. Each semester hour of credit for each letter grade carries the number of quality points indicated:

Letter Grades Grade Points Description
A 4.00 Excellent
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00 Satisfactory
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00 Below average
C- 1.67 Below minimum requirements
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0
P 0
NC 0

No more than two courses with a grade of ‘C’ will be applied to a graduate degree or certificate.

Grades below 'C' will not count toward progress to a graduate degree or certificate.

Students must complete graduate degrees and certificates with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Grades are posted in a timely manner at the close of each semester. Academic records are maintained in the Office of the Registrar in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. These records are made available upon request for review by the student to whom they pertain.

Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Coursework

Undergraduate students taking graduate coursework may receive credit toward their undergraduate degree for passing grades below C.

Academic Dishonesty

There are many forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism or the use of AI to complete coursework, the giving or receiving of help in any form on an examination, the sale or purchase of papers and test materials, the abuse of computer privileges and regulations, the misuse or abuse of online or library resources, and any other action which debases the soundness of the educational process. Any student who violates the integrity of the academic process will be subject to punishment, including possible dismissal from the College.

Hiram College believes that the development of intellectual honesty is at the heart of a college education. The process of education is severely compromised if we cannot depend on the academic integrity of each member of the community. Moreover, the principles of academic honesty are aligned closely with the principles of good scholarship and research, principles of critical thinking and reasoning, and the standards of professional ethics. Thus, students who fail to practice academic honesty not only risk losing the trust of the academic community, but they also fail to develop the most essential skills and abilities that characterize a college graduate.

Faculty members, librarians and staff are expected to report all instances of academic dishonesty to the associate dean of academic affairs, who will provide advice on an appropriate action.

Graduate Transfer Credit Policy

Each graduate degree or certificate program determines its graduate transfer guidelines for their program; questions of transfer should be addressed to program directors.

At most, up to 15 graduate level credits may be accepted as transfer from regionally accredited graduate programs. For course to be considered for transfer it must meet a minimum of 70% course equivalency with a Hiram College graduate course. Graduate credits that were applied toward an earned graduate degree or were earned seven or more years prior to the date of enrollment will not be applied toward a Hiram degree without explicit approval from the appropriate academic dean. A grade of “B-” or better must be earned in the course for the equivalency to be accepted. Approved graduate transfer credit will apply to overall earned hours but will not count in a student’s Hiram graduate GPA. Transfer course substitutions are made at the sole discretion of the Office of Academic Affairs and done so only when appropriate continue to meet student learning outcomes and program progressions.

Matriculating students wishing to take a course at another institution for transfer credit must have prior approval of the associate dean.

Time to Complete Degree

Each graduate degree or certificate program determines its guidelines for time to degree; questions of timely degree completion should be addressed to program directors. 

In general, students are expected to complete all degree or certificate requirements within five academic years of beginning graduate coursework. If a student has not completed all degree requirements at the end of their fifth academic year, students may complete an Application for Extension of Time Limits Form and submit to the associate dean of academic affairs. Students may be granted up to two additional years to complete the degree. No extensions are given beyond seven years.

Class Attendance

Attendance and active participation are important in all classes. Students are required to read extensively, think critically about the readings, complete assignments on time, and fully engage in the activities of the course. Every effort should be made to notify the instructor prior to an unavoidable absence.

Completion of Work in a Course

Students are expected to complete all assigned coursework according to the deadlines set by the instructor. In the uncommon case of extreme medical, family, or personal emergency, a grade of “incomplete” may be assigned to a student who has performed adequately in the class but who is unable to complete course requirements. In order to be eligible for an incomplete the student must have completed at least 75% of the coursework. An Incomplete Grade Request Form must be submitted by the final grade deadline for that semester. The form must document the unfinished work to be completed and the arrangement for turning in the work. Students who take an incomplete in a course must have the approval of the associate dean of academic affairs before they register for another course.

Extension of Time for an MAIS Capstone Project

Normally, the MAIS capstone project is completed during the student’s final semester enrolled in the capstone course. If there are extenuating circumstances, and upon approval of the associate dean of academic affairs, a student may complete the project over a longer period of time. In such cases, the student would register for “continuing research” during each semester required.

Official Transcripts

Official transcripts are issued by the registrar’s office. Students should contact the registrar’s office at or 330.569.5210 for information about how to order transcripts as well as costs associated with ordering transcripts. No transcript will be issued if a student owes Hiram College any part of tuition or fee account, library fine, or other obligation.

Appeals of Grades and Capstone Decisions

A student who wishes to appeal grading or capstone decisions may request that the associate academic dean review the decision. The vice president and dean of the College will act as the final appeals arbiter. All requests for appeals and the responses must be in writing. The requests must come within one month of first notification and the responses will be sent within two weeks excluding holidays.


Graduate programs are deemed complete when all required work has been successfully approved. Only those students who have satisfactorily completed all requirements before commencement are permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony each year in May. Student accounts must be paid in full for the student to receive their diploma.

All students must petition to graduate. Graduate students must file a formal petition for graduation with the associate dean’s office or program director during the semester prior to the one in which the student expects to graduate.