Office of Student Financial Services

The Office of Student Financial Services (SFS) assists students throughout their financial journey while attending Hiram College. Services provided include applying for financial aid, financial aid processing, billing, payment arrangements, and financial counseling. Included in this section is a general overview of the policies and procedures for SFS; detailed information can be found on our website

Contact SFS:

Student Financial Services
P.O. Box 67
Hiram, OH 44234


The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires each institution to provide certain consumer information, which is made available annually online each fall. This information is available online at

Financial Aid

Hiram College offers a variety of financial aid sources to assist in offsetting the cost of a Hiram College education. These sources include gift aid and self-help aid. Gift aid is a source of financial aid that does not have to be repaid and includes both grants and scholarships. Self-help aid is a source of financial aid that must either be earned through work or repaid.

Students interested in applying for financial aid must (1) be admitted to Hiram College, and (2) complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The FAFSA is available online at Detailed instructions on the financial aid process, including priority deadlines, can be found online at

Types of Financial Aid

Hiram College Sources

  • Hiram College Scholarships - Full-time undergraduate on-campus students are considered for merit-based scholarships awarded through the Office of Admission. See the Admission website for a list of the current merit scholarships.
  • Hiram College Grants – Full-time undergraduate on-campus students are considered for need-based institutional grants aid based upon their submission of the FAFSA. A portion of the funding for the Hiram College grant is provided by the generous contributions of alumni, friends of Hiram College, and others.

Federal Sources

  • Federal Pell Grant is a federal grant awarded to undergraduate students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree. Eligibility is determined by the federally determined SAI after completing the FAFSA and the award amount is based upon the Federal Pell Grant chart issued for the specific award year by the Department of Education.
  • Federal FSEO Grant is a joint federal and Hiram College grant awarded to undergraduate students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree, designed for students that are eligible for the Federal Pell Grant.
  • Federal Work-study is a need-based federal work program that enables students to earn funding to assist with their educational expenses.
  • Federal Loans – Student loans are available through the Federal Direct Loan Program, which includes Subsidized Loans, Unsubsidized Loans, and PLUS Loans (Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students). These loans are funded and guaranteed through the federal government. When the student completes the FAFSA, their financial aid award letter will include their eligibility for their subsidized and unsubsidized loan eligibility.

State Sources

  • Ohio Residents – Students who are residents of Ohio may be eligible for grant and scholarship funding from the Ohio Department of Higher Education. A listing of all current programs offered through the State of Ohio is available online.
  • Non-Ohio Residents – Other states offer state grant programs which allow their residents to use such grants at out-of-state schools. Students should contact their state agency to determine if their grant can be used outside their residential state.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Students must make academic progress towards completing their degree to continue being eligible for all sources of financial aid. Note: The SAP policy is separate from the College’s academic standing policy monitored by the Academic Review Board (ARB).

In general, students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA* AND successfully complete 67% of the cumulative credits attempted. Failure to meet this requirement can result in the loss of all financial aid. SFS reviews a student’s SAP progress at the end of each semester when grades are posted. SFS will notify the student via their Hiram College email if they become ineligible for financial aid. The detailed SAP Policy is available online at under the ‘Policies’ section.

*Students receiving the Choose Ohio First Scholarship must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition, fees, room and board charges are set annually by the Board of Trustees and published online at The College retains the right to adjust tuition and fees when such action is necessary.

Bills are sent monthly to all enrolled students. Bills reflect the term charges, pending financial aid and any payments made. Full payment of all charges for the term is due by the established due date each term. Failure to make payment by the due date could result in late fees, course registration being canceled and/or housing assignment being canceled. Payments can be satisfied through payment in full, employer reimbursement, installment payment plan, or educational loans. Full details of these payment options are outlined online on the Payment Options website.


Refunds of tuition and fees will be made when a student withdraws from a course(s) in which they have already paid the full tuition and have no other outstanding balance, in accordance with the withdrawal schedule established each semester. Students must officially withdraw from the course(s); non-attendance is not a formal withdrawal. No refunds are given to students that are administratively withdrawn. The official withdrawal process is outlined on the Registrar’s Office website.

Students receiving financial aid can have their financial aid impacted by changes to their enrollment. Students considering withdrawing or changing their courses within a semester should contact SFS prior to making any enrollment changes to fully understand the financial impact.